格列佛 Gullivera Milo Manara PDF百度云 50.9M

用户头像 tjgi85
作者: Milo Manara
出版社: Nbm Pub Co
出版年: 1996-12-1
页数: 67
A loosely inspired adventures of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, sensually revisited by an undisputed master of erotic comics. After boarding an abandoned ship, the young and beautiful Gullivera encounters strange new worlds and exotic new people, from tiny Lilliputians to teasing giants and a few other titillating stops along the way... The erotic graphic novel adaptation of Jonathan Swift's classic, Gulliver's Travels, as told by the unique and playful pen of Milo Manara. For mature audiences


格列佛 Gullivera Milo Manara PDF百度云 50.9M
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