Crush 第1册 Jason Hall 漫画下载

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In a world of subtle horrors, Elizabeth Mason is about to meet one monster she never counted on–herself. On the day of her 18th birthday Liz undergoes a strange metamorphosis which, for reasons unknown, causes her to transform into the monster called Crush! As if that wasn't enough, Liz soon has to deal with a deadly, ruthless agent tailing her–with teenage werewolves! At least she has her best friend, the vivacious Jen Tanaka, to count on. What at first seems to be a curse may be the very thing that leads Liz to understand who she truly is.


Crush 第1册 Jason Hall 漫画下载 Crush 第1册 Jason Hall 漫画下载 Crush 第1册 Jason Hall 漫画下载 Crush 第1册 Jason Hall 漫画下载 Crush 第1册 Jason Hall 漫画下载
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