The Shepherd The Pit 第3册 Andrea L. Molinari 漫画下载

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Lexi and Nico Miller, the surviving children of The Shepherd, are visited by a spectral dog whose face is horribly disfigured. The siblings are shocked to learn that this phantom is the victim of a local dog-fighting ring. Yet, despite his own brutal death, the mournful dog's spirit is determined that his fellow animals be freed from the violence and brutality of The Pit that claimed his life. What follows is a desperate rescue attempt that pierces the very heart of darkness.


The Shepherd The Pit 第3册 Andrea L. Molinari 漫画下载 The Shepherd The Pit 第3册 Andrea L. Molinari 漫画下载 The Shepherd The Pit 第3册 Andrea L. Molinari 漫画下载 The Shepherd The Pit 第3册 Andrea L. Molinari 漫画下载 The Shepherd The Pit 第3册 Andrea L. Molinari 漫画下载
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