Survival 第1册 Sean Lewis 漫画下载

用户头像 阿尔瓦
"It's Red Dawn meets 30 Days of Night!" When Emma Reed journeyed back to her hometown in Alaska, she was expecting little more than a tense family reunion at the annual military alumni get together. But early that morning, a plane crash landed in the thick woods near the mountain. And the creature within brings an ancient terror to the last American frontier, and will turn this unspoiled wilderness into a killing ground.


Survival 第1册 Sean Lewis 漫画下载 Survival 第1册 Sean Lewis 漫画下载 Survival 第1册 Sean Lewis 漫画下载 Survival 第1册 Sean Lewis 漫画下载 Survival 第1册 Sean Lewis 漫画下载
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