Conquest 第2册 Nicolas Jarry 漫画下载

用户头像 阿尔瓦
A blue planet, where water vastly outweighs the inhabitable land mass. At the bottom of the ocean, and on the few islands and atolls that are explored, are the ruins of ancient civilizations. Remnants of beings who worshiped octopus-like leviathans... Will these gigantic cephalopods resurface and accommodate the humans who have settled on their world? Is this the beginning of a new age for humanity, or will the same old patterns repeat?


Conquest 第2册 Nicolas Jarry 漫画下载 Conquest 第2册 Nicolas Jarry 漫画下载 Conquest 第2册 Nicolas Jarry 漫画下载 Conquest 第2册 Nicolas Jarry 漫画下载 Conquest 第2册 Nicolas Jarry 漫画下载
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