Coda 第1册 Simon Spurrier 漫画下载

用户头像 阿尔瓦
In the aftermath of an apocalypse which wiped out nearly all magic from a once-wondrous fantasy world, an antisocial former bard named Hum seeks a way to save the soul of his wife with nothing but a foul-tempered mutant unicorn and his wits to protect him. But in the process, he is unwillingly drawn into a brutal power struggle which will decide forever who rules the weird wasteland...


Coda 第1册 Simon Spurrier 漫画下载 Coda 第1册 Simon Spurrier 漫画下载 Coda 第1册 Simon Spurrier 漫画下载 Coda 第1册 Simon Spurrier 漫画下载 Coda 第1册 Simon Spurrier 漫画下载
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