Songs for the Dead 第4册 Andrea Fort 漫画下载

用户头像 阿尔瓦
After the events of Accrington, Bethany and Elissar are left with more questions than answers. Bethany’s latest lead to The Covenant comes in the form of an encrypted map. Desperate for guidance, Bethany agrees to visit Barnabus Gunne, an old acquaintance of Elissar. Weather-worn and boastful, selling stories of his glory days, Barnabus seems a dubious ally. With her goal just out of reach, Bethany can’t shake the feeling that something sinister is lurking, waiting to strike...


Songs for the Dead 第4册 Andrea Fort 漫画下载 Songs for the Dead 第4册 Andrea Fort 漫画下载 Songs for the Dead 第4册 Andrea Fort 漫画下载 Songs for the Dead 第4册 Andrea Fort 漫画下载 Songs for the Dead 第4册 Andrea Fort 漫画下载
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