Ypres Memories 一册 Philippe Glogowski 漫画下载

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The official graphic novel for The Great War Centenary, Ypres Memories is made up of two stories that are connected by geography and the tragic events that took place almost one hundred years ago. An extension of the original Philippe Glogowski graphic novel, 'Ypres - Henry's Notebook', Ypres Memories offers an inside look into the plight of the Scottish Military who fought during World War I, with a story revolving around a trip to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and the memories that this triggers for a particular elderly veteran. Ypres Memories is for all ages and makes the real history of the war more accessible to the younger readers without glorifying war or violence.


Ypres Memories 一册 Philippe Glogowski 漫画下载 Ypres Memories 一册 Philippe Glogowski 漫画下载 Ypres Memories 一册 Philippe Glogowski 漫画下载 Ypres Memories 一册 Philippe Glogowski 漫画下载 Ypres Memories 一册 Philippe Glogowski 漫画下载
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