Gone 第1册 Simon Birks 漫画下载

用户头像 不开心的艾达
Gone is our popular sci-fi mystery comic, about the AssistA robot, who wakes on board a vessel that should be home to thousands of crew, but is, in fact, desolate. Confused and alone, the AssistA sets off to find out where everyone has gone to. Along the way he starts receiving interference in the forms of memories from one of the crew members, from before everyone disappeared. But can AssistA trust these memories, and is it, in fact, as alone as it thinks it is?


Gone 第1册 Simon Birks 漫画下载 Gone 第1册 Simon Birks 漫画下载 Gone 第1册 Simon Birks 漫画下载 Gone 第1册 Simon Birks 漫画下载 Gone 第1册 Simon Birks 漫画下载
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