Agrippina and the ancestor 一册 Claire Bretécher 漫画下载

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Agrippina's grandmother goes awol for a few days, only to be discovered in her own home, hiding away from the world while she recovers from a facelift. And all because she's found out that her own mother has gone into a retirement home. The latter, having made herself a fortune in her savvy investments in stocks and shares, decides to buy herself a computer... but not just any old computer...! Meanwhile, Agrippina is, as usual, busy seeking out any opportunity to get easy money and easy boys. This is a side-splitting snapshot of the complex relationships between four generations of women.


Agrippina and the ancestor 一册 Claire Bretécher 漫画下载 Agrippina and the ancestor 一册 Claire Bretécher 漫画下载 Agrippina and the ancestor 一册 Claire Bretécher 漫画下载 Agrippina and the ancestor 一册 Claire Bretécher 漫画下载 Agrippina and the ancestor 一册 Claire Bretécher 漫画下载
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